Knitting, baking and life in PA with two kids and four cats.

Friday, March 11, 2011

We (Almost) Have a House

Wow, what a crazy week with our real estate! Not only did we accept an offer on the house in Lexington, but we decided to go for it on the big house here. Woo-hoo! Unfortunately that means I've spent a LOT of time the last few days on really boring stuff like printing tax documents, getting insurance quotes, signing mortgage applications and talking to movers. What I WANT to be doing is picking paint colors and deciding how to fix up the kitchen.

But first things first--we applied for the mortgage and are doing the inspection on Wednesday. The closing date is April 29th, so we'll have plenty of time to get everything packed up. Man, I am not looking forward to that part of it. What I AM excited about is a) NO TRAIN NOISE, b) having a garage, c) showering without fear that someone else will need to flush or wash their hands somewhere else in the house, and d) having a couch that isn't covered in toy cars and stuffed animals, because there's actually a place for the toys to go. Oh, and having a garden again. I've heard that the deer will eat anything though, so I'll have to look into deer-proofing. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Happy thoughts to get me through the boring, tedious stuff. Also, to keep me from watching the news all day in horror about Japan. So scary and sad for them. Once again I'm counting my blessings.

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