Knitting, baking and life in PA with two kids and four cats.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eliza at 11 Months

Eliza modeling her new skirt and ladybug onesie.

Eliza will turn eleven months old tomorrow! Her little personality just spills out, and she seems to change every day. The stats:

Height: 30 inches (85the percentile)
Weight: 24 pounds (90th percentile)
Clothing Size: 18 months

Foods: Soy formula, about 16 oz. per day, plus lots of "people" food. Her favorites are bananas, peaches, cherries, chicken and noodles, cheerios, baby "puffs," avacados..and on and on! Pretty much the only thing she doesn't like is peas, and that's only if they're served solo. Mix 'em up with baby cereal and some other things, and she'll scarf them down. She is now eating three (large) meals a day, without snacks. Clearly, this seems to be sustaining her!

Activities: Eating, crawling around and eating things off the floor (paper, fuzz, food bits from under the kitchen rugs, etc.), playing peek-a-boo, looking at books, shredding magazines/books (note the baby gate over the bookshelf in picture above), emptying baskets/bags/boxes, laughing at Jonah or anyone else who acts silly, napping and bouncing in her bouncer until she poops out.

How we spend a lot of our time!
Laundry Basket Emptied, Check.
Big Girl Lunch - Peaches and O's

Big Helper Jonah

Mashing Buttons and Bopping to the Music

Laughs At: Jonah, and kids in general. She thinks people acting silly or strangely is hilarious, even if it's when
they are injured. At Jonah's orthodontist appointment last week, she cracked up when the technician was 
wrenching the wires around in Jonah's mouth. He was not so amused! 

She still loves to play chase with Jonah, whether we're carrying her or she's crawling after him.

Recent "Firsts": Real crawling started last month. She started eating finger foods in June. This month she 
started pulling up to her knees on the dishwasher (so she can "help" with the silverware) and other furniture, 
usually so she can grab things or see what we're doing. She also likes to bounce to music now, will wave hi 
and bye, and shakes her head when you say "no."

Sounds: Lots and lots of babbling. She still says "Dada" and "Mama" -- and occasionally "Obama" -- but I don't
think she knows what she's saying yet. She will do the baby sign for "all done" and sometimes for "milk."