Knitting, baking and life in PA with two kids and four cats.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Farewell to a Home

The closing went off without a hitch for 337 Henry Clay yesterday morning. It didn't hit me until a few hours later that we'd never be inside the house again to say goodbye. The two years that we lived in it were full of memories, mostly happy. I took a look back at our pictures from those years and picked out a few to share.

My pride and joy, aside from Jonah
 The whole house was a labor of love, as most old houses are, but the kitchen will always hold a special place in my heart. We built it as a family, from the floor up.

Dad giving a tiling lesson.
The island created a perfect circular racetrack for small boys.

The oven and counters held some pretty creative handiworks.

And then there was the fire. It made a huge mess, but in the end, we were all safe and the damage was pretty minimal.
Aftermath of the infamous hat fire of 2008.
Elsewhere in the house, there was a lot of play time.

And outside, there were cars to be washed, balls to be kicked and gardens to be nurtured.

Thanks for the memories, House. Treat your new family well. You were a great pit stop on our big adventure.


  1. Oh my. I got a little teary reading this. Well said.

  2. Aww, thanks. You always were a bit on the mushy side. ;)

  3. Like a BIIIIG stick uh buttah.

  4. p.s. That was NOT a comment on your size!
